Life is Still Good

Grief is a normal and natural reaction to the death of a loved one. Most of us are not prepared for the long journey of grief. It can be devastating, frightening and often lonely. Utah Hospice Specialists is committed to assisting you through the process of healing.

See the following for understanding grief:


Normal Grief Experiences

Appropriate Grief Expectations

Grief Rituals

The Mourner's Bill of Rights

How Do I Know When I Am Healing?

The Gifts of Grief

Life is Still Good

Books about Grieving

Life is Still Good. By Terri Holmquist

The grief we feel at first can be compared to a raging forest fire. Wild and out of control it destroys all life within its range. We are powerless to stop it as it burns and destroys - ­nothing will ever be good again. But after a time, the rains come and gently carry away the soot and ashes and slowly we see small green shoots of life spring forth. And so it is with our grief -a time came when we saw signs of green in our lives once again. It may be smiling or laughing aloud. It may be experiencing joy and happiness for a brief time. It may be feeling an hour or day has gone by without being engulfed in our sorrow. We are beginning to recover. As the forest once again grows back into a living habitation, we re-enter life. But the forest has changed. Never again will it look or be completely the same. It must start over with what it has. And we have changed too. Never again will life be quite the same - we will always be different people because of our loss. We will always carry the burning embers of that forest fire within our hearts -they are eternal embers and memories, which will be with us forever. Sometimes, they will be fanned back Into flames again -by difficult days such as birthdays, anniversaries, reunions or holidays. These are life's grass fires, usually not very destructive but they can make you feel out of control. After a long time, the forest is blooming and beautiful and full of life once again. How soon this occurs depends a lot on the climate and nutrients available to the land. We all reach this point at different times and stages. Each of us works through grief In different ways because we all live in different climates. Some have more support available, some are stuck for a while in various stages, others find faith to be a great help. But, wherever you are right now, we want to offer a word of hope and encouragement to you and this is -LIFE IS STILL GOOD.

We have lived through an event that most of us have probably considered to be the worst thing that could ever happen to us. But we have survived. We can recover. We can grow as people. Those eternal embers that we carry in our hearts are sorrow. How would it be if those embers would Ignite Into our lives a new sense of compassion, sensitivity toward others and new love and appreciation for life?